One drop
By Nicholas Hooper
One drop becomes many
as through a window
the water of the night
changes the world outside
Translucent to white
as a drop tries to pull its weight
down the pane, but stuck,
its pendulant shape
will dry leaving the faintest
memory of moisture
as the light comes
and the grateful green
accepts the gift of rain
to grow, grow and grow again

About Dawnings:
“Every morning at around 5am I get up and go down to my studio. After a short meditation I write down whatever is in my head, giving myself fifteen minutes to do so. Then moving over to the piano (or a more portable instrument like my Ukulele when I'm away), I improvise and record a piece of music inspired by whatever words I just wrote. It is a great way of keeping both my writing and my composing going and I call these small creations Dawnings. They are mostly unedited, like sketches, so that they keep that fresh feeling of an early morning discovery.”
— Nick Hooper