Like a giant
By Nicholas Hooper
Awakening, like a giant among morsels
of thoughts and depictions
I feel the mother in me.
Strong, dark, she has a presence that bears
the life in in my very limbs
and as darkness comes to light
finds a place in my heart.
Oh mother of all, bring back the time
when I was born. You bore me
in your arms and I was ever
held so close and safe.
Now I know your presence, your feeling
through my body, like a wave of
gorgeous warmth and love,
and acceptance.
Do you really live? This life that I have
searched for and searched for
to understand why my world
so revolves around your warm heart?
Would I give my all, my sense, my male
to wander in your groves of goodness
and nurture, to find you normal now,
and always there?
‘I told you so,’ you say, both with a smile
and a frown. ‘Once born of me,
our connection will never cease,
but will bother you through life
till you come to accept me and know me,
the mother of earth, spirit, and
your first love which you will
never surpass, try as you might.
Accept me, bide with me, and I will show you
the way of peace. The inner womb
that you have. No harsh lights here
during birth, just the gentle flow
of all that you value in me, coming out
in a stream that like a river will
flow to our ocean where all
is loved, accepted and known.’

About Dawnings:
“Every morning at around 5am I get up and go down to my studio. After a short meditation I write down whatever is in my head, giving myself fifteen minutes to do so. Then moving over to the piano (or a more portable instrument like my Ukulele when I'm away), I improvise and record a piece of music inspired by whatever words I just wrote. It is a great way of keeping both my writing and my composing going and I call these small creations Dawnings. They are mostly unedited, like sketches, so that they keep that fresh feeling of an early morning discovery.”
— Nick Hooper