Head on over to The Barn, Wolvercote for what promises to be a fabulous evening of folk music performed by Henderson:Hooper, The Boot Band, The Strollers, and Robin Lipsey and Nikki Jackson.
Drinks will be served in the interval. Donations from this concert will be going towards Yellow Submarine, a fantastic charity that provides interesting and exciting activities and events, as well as work training, for young people with learning disabilities.
To reserve your tickets, please email Robin Lipsey (robin.lipsey@btinternet.com). Seats will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Not been to one of The Boot Band’s gigs, before? Check out their lively performance of ‘St James’ Infirmary’, as well as Henderson:Hooper’s original track ‘Pete’s Trees’ (from their album of the same name), from the Wordandnote Live Sessions Series to see what you’ve been missing out on!